This event provides recognition for PBL members who demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to apply common techniques and statistical analysis tools.

The one hour objective test may include questions regarding descriptive statistical analysis; organizing and presenting statistical data; probability distributions; sampling techniques; linear regressions; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing.



Participants must have paid state and national dues postmarked by February 15 of the current school year.

State:            Each charter may enter six participants.

National:     See national guidelines:



State:           When it has been determined that a student will represent the charter at state competition, the appropriate entry form must be sent to the state adviser received by the date specified in the SLC registration packet.

National:     See national guidelines:


• Participants must be selected in accordance with the regulations of the PBL district, state chapter, and the national association.

• Participants must not have entered this event at a previous National Leadership Conference or placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in this event at a previous State Leadership Conference.

• Participants failing to report on time may be either disqualified or permitted to begin late with no extension of the time as scheduled. 
• Participants must furnish their own No. 2 pencils, erasers, and calculators.  Participants may bring a financial calculator; however, no PDAs, phones, or other memory storage devices will be allowed.  No reference materials or other items are to be brought to the event.

• Participants must adhere to the dress code established by the Board of Directors or they will not be permitted to participate in the competitive event.



Tests will be machine graded.  In the event of a tie, the students’ performance on the final ten questions of the exam will be evaluated.  After that, if necessary, the order in which the tests were received will be used.


State:            State awards for the top five places are presented at the State Leadership Conference.

National:     The number of awards presented at the National Leadership Conference is determined by judges and/or number of entries.  The maximum number will be ten.