Materials submitted in the skill events are graded according to the Format Guide and against the standard of zero errors. 

1. In grading these materials, the following errors will make the copy mailable with slight corrections and will result in a penalty of two points per error.

A. Omission of a non-essential part of a document (e.g. reference initials, enclosure notation, etc.)

B. Minor errors in vertical placement

C. Minor errors in horizontal placement

D. Minor spacing errors

E. Inserted or omitted words that do not change the meaning of the sentence

F. Transposed words that do not change the meaning of the sentence

2. The following errors will make the copy mailable with serious corrections and will result in a penalty of five points per error.

A. Failure to follow specific directions

B. Keying or spelling errors

C. Inserted or omitted words that change the meaning of the sentence

D. Omission of essential parts of a document (e.g. date, inside address, etc.)